Po dlouhé nemoci nás opustila Astra
Příští týden bude Astře a Audrey 10 let a máme radost, že jsou stále zdravé a čiperné ty naše babičky a doufáme, že s námi ještě pár let zůstanou. Přejeme vše nejlepší bráškům a sestřičce.
Dnes v hnusném počasí a silném větru složila Astra zkoušku FH1, šla na ni po 3 hodinách a 40 minutách a bojovala naplno, získala obdiv všech přihlížejících, pochvalu rozhodčího a 88 bodů
Bráška Aick - Apač složil ZVV2
Asko Obsidian Guard Land získal na MČR IPO krásné body: 95, 85, 89
v časných ranních hodinách a po dlouhé nemoci nás opustila Žili (Julie Kateko), prvotřídní obranářka, zakladatelka CHS Obsidian Guard Land, vždy nadšená, odvážná, temperamentní a do všeho se hrnoucí ovčanda a nejlepší přítelkyně
Aly Obsidian Guard Land úspěšně složil zkoušku IPO3
Asko Obsidian Guard Land získal na VZ v Třinci CACT a krásné 7. místo: stopa 95b., poslušnost 91b., a obrana 90b.
Asko Obsidian Guard Land vybojoval na VZ ve Svatoslavi 10. místo - celkem 251 b. a velice pěkná obrana - je velmi mladý, ještě nemá ani čtyři roky
Audrey Obsidian Guard Land složila ZVV1 - 82, 94, 85 b. - neochotně pouští
Aick Obsidian Guard Land složil T1 - 98 b. na obraně
24.4. 2014
Julie Kateko oslavila 9. narozeniny a pomaloučku se uzdravuje
Astra složila Fpr1 - 88 b.
ASKO - RTG negativní, BH, IPO3, VÝBORNÝ, 1. třída, 5JXZ1/P - DLOUHOSRSTÝ
AICK - RTG negativní, ZM, ZVV1, BH, ZMT, VD, 1. třída, 5Y1/P - CELOČERNÝ
kontakt na majitele obou psů k dispozici u nás
Asko složil IPO3:
Aick - Apač složil ZMT
Aly Obsidian Guard Land dnes složil zkoušku IPO2, Asko Obsidian Guard Land složil IPO2- Gratulujeme !!!
Audrey dnes složila svoji první zkoušku -BH - poslušnost za 50 bodů
Astra složila ZVV1, na stopě 94 b, poslušnost 78b (bez odložení), obrana 73 - nechtěla pustit rukáv
Aly Obsidian Guard Land složil dne 15.9.2013 zkoušku IPO 1 - na obraně 97 bodů, na poslušnosti 92 a na stopě ( bez 1 předmětu) 87 bodů - gratulujeme !!!
Afra složila svoji druhou zkoušku - Bh - gratulujeme !!!
Aick Obsidian Guard Land (Apač) je chovný - 1. třída, VD, 5Y1/P - gratulujeme !!!
8. a 9.června 2013 Asko Obsidian Guard Land absolvoval výstavu a bonitaci a získal známku VÝBORNÝ a navíc je dlouhosrstý a opravdu krásný - 1. třída, 5JXZ1/P - blahopřejeme majitelům k uchovnění !!!
Afra, Aick, Astra, Aly, Asko, Audrey a Ayen mají dnes tři roky - Všechno nejlepší !!!
A tady jsou první pěkné výsledky práce psů a jejich šikovných majitelů:
RTG Zkoušky
AFRA negativní ZOP,SPR2
AICK negativní ZM, ZVV2,BH
ASTRA negativní BH,ZVV1,FPR3,SPR3,FH1
ALY negativní BH,IPO3
ASKO negativní BH, IPO3
AUDREY negativní BH, ZVV1,FPR3, FH1
AYEN ???
24/5/2013 Asko složil IPO 1 - s výsledkem "velmi dobře", výborná stopa, výborná obrana za 100 bodů - gratulujeme !!!
Afra se připravuje na zkoušky:
11/5/2013 Aly složil Bh - gratulujeme !!!
24/4/2013 Julie má osm let
17/4/2013 Aick složil Bh
24/11/2012 Aick složil ZVV1 - gratulujeme
17/11/2012 Julie složila SPR3 - získala krásných 97 b .- rozhodčí p. Babička
4/11/2012 Julie složila SPR2 - 92 b.
Julie složila SPR1 a podle p. rozhodčí to byla "přepychová obrana" - 96 b.
Astra je chudinka ošklivě pokousaná
Máme pár nových fotek
Julie, Astra a Audrey se vrátily z LVT v Podhradí nad Dyjí, kde trénovaly s Michalem Řehákem a Luckou Ševčíkovou
Ze sedmi štěňat vrhu A máme od pěti (Afra, Astra, Audrey, Aly, Aick) výsledek rtg - kyčle i lokty negativní (/0/0 a A/A), Asko a Ayen zatím výsledky rentgenů nemají, veříme ale, že budou také vynikající
Julie složila zkoušku Bh
Julie má dnes sedm let, je stále nabitá energií, do všeho se pořád hrne, na poslušnosti si udržela tempo - je vždy o krok napřed před psovodem, na obraně exceluje, tam je kupodivu lehce ovladatelná a ty zákusy od Pánaboha figuranti stále obdivují - hodně zdraví !!!
V mrazivém počásí jsme trénovali obrany, Julie poprvé ve svém životě kousala na figurantku a byla naprosto spokojená
Máme výsledky Rtg:
Astra - kyčle: A/A (bez příznaku dysplazie), lokty: 0/0 (bez příznaku dysplazie)
Audrey - kyčle: A/A (bez příznaku dysplazie), lokty: 0/0 (bez příznaku dysplazie)
Julie odmítá zůstat doma, když jdeme s Audrey a Astrou na obranu, takže ji musíme brát s sebou, no a samozřejmě chce kousat, takže začínáme s tréninkem na ZPO 1, aby měla něco nového - videa přidávám na YouTube
Navštívili jsme dnes Ayen, je neuvěřitelně podobná Julii a zřejmě zdědila i její povahu, byla k nám velice přátelská a milá, takové radostné přivítání jsme nečekali - přidáváme fotku Ayen - Rity a video na YouTube
Na YouTube přidáváme video z tréninku Astry
Julie složila ZVV2
po noci, kdy kvůli bouřce téměř nespala, šla Julie poprvé v životě cizí hodinovou stopu, na poslušnosti se pochlubila krásným plazením, na obraně získala 95 bodů ( bez dvou maket) a rozhodčí pan Beníšek ohodnotil Julii jako tvrdou nekompromisní obranářku a nejlepší obranu na zkoušce ( byli tam i policejní psi)
Přidáváme nový příspěvek - MENU - Vrh A - 1 rok
Přidáváme nová vide na Youtube, mezi nimi kousek stopařské práce Charika z Nového draka, ostaní dokumentují komunikaci mezi Julií a Audrey:
Dostali jsme nové fotky Aicka - Apače:
Štěňata po Julii a Eykovi už mají 1 rok :)
Všechna se svými pány cvičí a jsou velmi šikovná především na obraně
Přejeme hodně štěstí, zdraví, pokroky ve výcviku, plné mističky a spokojené pány :)
Astra nás všechny hlídá a ochraňuje před syčáky a Audrey, přestože je nejmenší, se snaží zaujmout místo vůdkyně smečky
Audrey a Astra začínají trénovat hladké zadržení a obíhání maket, Astra už umí štěkat na povel a Julie dnes zvládla žebřík zcela bez záchrany
Julie má šesté narozeniny a je stále plná energie a síly
Bráškové Jordan a Joe Kateko a sestřenice Heriet a Chilli z Nového draka závodí na VS na MR IPO - všem přejeme hodně štěstí a postup do finále
Nám na tréninky poslední dobou nezbývá čas
Videa ze Zbraslavi už máme na YouTube
Včera jsme se vrátili z výcvikového víkendu na Zbraslavi u Brna, který jsme si skvěle užili :)
Máme nový kanál na YouTube, už jsou tam dokonce i videa, brzy přidáme další z tréninku na ZVV2 a ZPO - viz Oblíbené odkazy
I v novém roce většinu času a pozornosti věnujeme dorostu. S Julií jsme byly dvakrát na stopě a jednou na obraně, šlo jí to dobře a měla z tréninků radost. Poslušnost cvičíme, když máme chuť a náladu, ale plánujeme, že začneme trénovat žebřík hned, jak bude lepší počasí. Navíc chceme vylepšit zadní doprovod. Doufám, že se nám letos podaří složit zkoušky, které jsem loni odsunula kvůli štěňatům.
Štěňata mají šest měsíců
Nastalo radostné období dovádění ve sněhu
Napadl u nás sněhový poprašek a to má Julie moc ráda, malé trošku koukaly a opatrně ochutnávaly, než zjistily, jak to studí
O víkendu byly Julie, Astra a Audrey na obraně i na stopě a všechny tři se snažily
Aick má svoje stránky, přidáváme odkaz a těšíme se na nové fotky
Smečka byla po dlouhé době na stopě, Julie dokonce na cizí stopě a pěkně se jí povedlo vypracování, přestože byl jeden předmět ze dřeva, což vůbec nepoužíváme, štěňata měla svoje malé stopičky a pracovala se zájmem.
Po měsíční pauze byla obrana a Julii figurant nechtěl vzít na druhé kolo, že prý už všechno umí, zato štěňata vzal dvakrát a chválil je, hlavně Audrey, protože poprvé kousala na rukáv a odnesla si
Audrey a Astra mají právě pět měsíců, Astra už váží 20 a Audrey 19 kg
Audrey i Astra marodí, obě mají kašel a berou antibiotika, temperament jim přesto neklesá
Chilli z Nového draka (sestřenice naší Julie) vybojovala 59. místo na WUSV v Seville - upřímně blahopřejeme :))) - Informace od Hanky :
Dnes mají Obsidiánci výročí - jsou jim právě čtyři měsíce - Všem přejeme hodně štěstí, zdraví, plné mističky, ať jsou pánové trpěliví a tolerantní a ať se daří ve výcviku :)))
Audrey dnes vyndali stehy, konečně. Astře už vypadávájí mléčné zoubky.
Přidáváme odkaz na stránky našich kamarádů - CHS Boccaro a CHS Daches a moc je zdravíme a těšíme se, že se brzy uvidíme, třeba na tréninku v JH :)
Dnes nás navštívil Aick, má nové jméno Apač. Celá smečka společně řádila jak černá ruka, štěňata si to opravdu užila. S Julií, Astrou a Audrey jsme byli na stopách na hlíně a pěkně nám to všem šlo. Audrey včera na veterině zrentgenovali a vyndali staré stehy a znovu sešili, tentokrát bez narkózy a mnohem šikovněji, takže příště půjdeme jen tam, kde máme dobrou zkušenost.
Venčíme celou smečku najednou a celkem to jde :)
Audrey je v péči spolehlivého veterináře, aby se jí zranění dobře vyhojilo, byli jsme na stopách a šlo nám to, přidáváme fotku naší smečky
Audrey se prospala a je v dobré náladě :)
Audrey měla nehodu a musela na operaci - máme starost
Dnes mají štěňátka tři měsíce :)))
Víme, že:
Aick je syčák a mazlík, Afra je šikovná a milá, ale rošťanda, Aly pilně cvičí a trošku zahradničí, Astra pouští hrůzu na všechny cizí psy a ani obrovský tlustý staford si u ní nezískal respekt - to jsem si tedy nechala štěně :), Audrey je neuvěřitelná čmuchalka a navíc trénuje skoky do výšky, když je náhodou něco dobrého na stole :)
Přidáváme odkaz na web Afry a Adalrab - tam je Aly - :)))
Rodokmeny ještě nedorazily, na PK si dávají pěkně načas
Dnes se stěhujeme z venkova zpátky do města. Už nebude k dispozici zahrada, budeme chodit venčit do parku a musíme se to naučit, než začne školní rok.
Afra v novém domově našla psí kamarádku:)))
Ještě v pondělí odpoledne jsme měli čtyři štěňátka, ale večer odjel Aick a v pátek večer si přijeli pro Afru, takže už máme jen Astru a Audrey a samozřejmě Julii. Je to trošku smutné, když štěňátka odjíždějí, ale co se dá dělat. Zas teď máme víc času a můžeme trošku trénovat. Protože vyjímečně nepršelo, zkusili jsme našlápnout stopy. Jednu pořádnou pro Julii a dvě malé pro Astru a Audrey. Všechny naše holky odvedly pěknou práci. Velkou radost máme z Audrey, stopa jí jde skutečně parádně.
Přidáváme fotky brášky Jordana - Rubrika Rodokmen a Kateko
Afra už má majitelku, brzy nás opustí, bude se svojí paní sportovat :)))
Aick odjel do nového domova - přejeme hooooooodně štěstí!!!
Ayen se má u svého pána opravdu dobře, do postele nechodí, našla si pohodlné místo na gauči :) - Je přece po mamce :)
Dostali jsme velice milou zprávu, že Aly už trénuje obranu a stopu a moc dobře mu to jde :) - Máme radost !!!
15/8 Další štěně má nové pány - malá Ayen bude bydlet v Praze a s novým pánem bude chodit cvičit :)))))))
9/8 Vrátili jsme se z tábora v Červené Řečici, kde nám sice vydatně pršelo, ale Julinka si užila obranu, stopy, poslušnost, štěňata dostala obojky a naučila se trochu chodit na vodítku, povel sedni a dokonce i stopu si vyzkoušela, Asko je v novém domově a má se moc dobře, k dispozici má zahradu, tři dospělé ovčandy a i děti - malé pány, Aly je pěkný rošťák, už se dokonale zabydlel, máme i první fotky od jeho pánů :
29/7 Mazlík Aly už je v novém domově na Moravě a má velice příjemné pány, pro hračičku Aska přijedou pánové v sobotu, v neděli jedeme se zbytkem štěňat na výcvikový týden s Draky
26/7 Chystáme se na tábor s Draky a doufáme, že vyjde počasí
15/7 Máme tři poslední volná štěňátka
6/7 Obsidiánci mají měsíc, ničeho se nebojí, vše je zajímá, na všem zkouší zoubky a jsou každým dnem krásnější a šikovnější
27/6 Štěňata jsou velmi zvědavá, všechno v okolí bedničky prozkoumávají a očichávají, navzájem se olizují, okusují
20/6 Štěňátka váží dvojnásobek porodní váhy a jsou moc šikovná
13/6 Obsidiánci mají týden, všichni přibrali na váze a jsou velmi čilí, mrskají se tak, že je opravdu těžké udělat trochu slušnou fotku
6/6 Štěňátka se narodila v neděli 6.6.2010, byl to boj a zvítězili jsme - máme 3 kluky a 4 holčičky - více:
5/6 Jsme připraveni na štěňátka a čekáme, kdy už přijdou 31/5 Dnes máme právě 55 dní od krytí, už brzy přijdou štěňátka
30/5 Julie už se sotva kulí, občas sice trochu popoběhne, ale jinak jde pomalu a na žádnou dlouhou vycházku už nechce, za čtyři dny má první termín
24/5 Julie už je na sebe trošinku opatrná, břicho si pečlivě podkládá tlapkou, chodí pomaleji, nelítá, ale víkendové stopy jí udělaly velkou radost a opravdu se snažila pěkně stopovat 18/5 Na Julii už je vidět, že bude mít brzy štěňátka
12/5 Štěňátka měří podle ultrazvuku 7 cm a jejich hlavičky 1 cm
11/5 Naše maminka se pěkně zakulatila a samozřejmě nabrala i na váze, energie jí neubývá, zítra nás čeká poradna a ultrazvuk
Dnes jsme vzali Julii na ultrazvuk, abychom se přesvědčili, že opravdu bude mít štěňátka. Nebyly sice žádné pochybnosti, její gravidita je evidentní, ale i tak bylo třeba spočítat budoucí přírůstky. Na levé straně se uhnízdili čtyři psíci, vpravo je jich pět. Pokud jsme je viděli všechny, budeme mít devět miminek. Velikost miminečka je dnes právě 6,1 mm. A naše maminka se nemá namáhat, ani překrmovat, za čtrnáct dní má přijít na kontrolu.
8/4 Byli jsme v Německu na krytí, cesta za pejskem byla sice trochu delší, ale vybrali jsme si ho, protože jsme lepšího nenašli, Eyko je zkušený, kryl již mnohokrát a jsou po něm odchovy v Německu, Holandsku, Dánsku, Belgii, USA, Julie se mu strašně moc líbila, podle slov majitelky "tak moc se Eykovi ještě žádná nelíbila" - to samozřejmě chápeme, navíc předtím ještě neviděl žádnou ovčandu z Čech
4/4 Dnes měla Julie třetí testy a dopadlo to skvěle, progesteron se vyšplhal na 5,2 - v úterý máme krytí
11/3 FCI nám uznala chovatelskou stanici: "OBSIDIAN GUARD LAND"
1/3 Poprvé v letošním roce jsme vyrazily na stopu a celkem nám to šlo, po stopě se Julie nechala vyfotit:
18/2 Vyfotili jsme si pěkné kluky: nejvic_se_nam_libi_dlouhosrstaci/
14/2 Dnes jsme po dlouhé době navštívily domácí cvičák na Hostivaři, bylo krásně, pěkně jsme si to užily, Julie byla pochválena figurantem za pěkné zákusy, dokonce i revíry běhala
6/2/10 Byly jsme na obraně v Berouně, Julie se proběhla s Kordem, šampionem J. Šmída, a s Nerem, mladým ovčákem pana Kolaříka, kupodivu měla z obou psích kluků radost, na obraně se předvedla celkem slušně, akorát že nám to strašně klouzalo, párkrát nám ujely nohy dost nebezpečně
29/1/10 Zakládáme samostatné stránky pro naše ovčáky, na které vzpomínáme: 23/1/10 Vyrazily jsme na cvičák do Jinonic, kde jsme s figurantgem trošinku zopakovali zákusy, po tom dlouhém období nicnedělání byla Julie kupodivu celkem ve formě, navíc všem psím kamarádům předvedla, že je opravdu velmi sebevědomá, už máme pas 9/1/10 Začínají nám chybět obrany i stopy, místo tréninku chodíme na procházky a Julie lítá ve sněhu jako čertice, dokud se nepromění v bílého sněhuláčka, potom se oklepe a začne řádit znova, snad už brzy budeme mít příležitost trochu cvičit
1/1/10 Silvestra jsme přežili ve zdraví a bez šoku, ale pro psa uprostřed Prahy to nebyla nijak příjemná událost
Náhledy fotografií ze složky 2010/10
Přehled komentářů
1. 網路未興盛時代:
- 現場賭場時期(1980年代):賭博活動主要發生在實體賭場,包括家庭電話上的BB CALL呼叫器、六合彩、大家樂等方式。
- 電銷賭場時期(21世紀):隨著手機的普及,人們開始使用手機進行博弈,主要包括中華職棒簽賭和六合彩等。
2. 線上博弈時期(2013年開始):
- 網際網路普及後,原本的信用版博弈業者開始轉戰線上賭場(娛樂城),開啟了線上博弈的時代。
- 由於在台灣,線上賭場架設和經營是違法的,合法的線上賭場通常選擇在合法的國家進行架設。
- 開設線上賭場主要採用「現金儲值」的方式,以規避法律風險。玩家將現金兌換成賭資,進行投注。
3. 娛樂城商業模式的轉變:
- 早期的娛樂城業者往往將客服人員與金流(出入款)的職責綁在一起,
- 現代的娛樂城業者開始將客服人員、金流服務商以及廣告行銷外包,以降低定罪風險。
- 由於遠端工作的普及以及區塊鏈技術的應用,未來娛樂城業者可能更加難以被追查,這也凸顯了博弈產業合法化的必要性。
- 架站主機:娛樂城業者通常在合法的國家進行架設,使執法機關難以從此方面下手追查。
- 客服人員:娛樂城業者可能在台灣設立辦公室提供客服服務,這也是執法機關可能進行搜索的目標之一。
- 金流(出入款):娛樂城業者使用人頭帳戶進行金流操作,以規避監管機構的追蹤,但也存在風險。
- 行銷推廣:娛樂城業者需要進行廣告推廣來吸引玩家,行銷推廣方式也可能成為執法機關追查的一環。
(RobertTom, 7. 6. 2023 6:22)
I. 娛樂城體驗金的價值與挑戰
II. 闡釋娛樂城體驗金的使用技巧
A. 如何充分利用娛樂城的體驗金
B. 選擇合適遊戲以最大化體驗金的價值
III. 深入探討常見遊戲的策略與技巧
A. 介紹幾種熱門遊戲的玩法和策略
B. 提供在遊戲中使用體驗金的實用技巧和注意事項
A. 對幾家知名娛樂城的體驗金活動進行比較和分析
B. 分享如何找到最合適的體驗金活動
V. 結語:明智使用娛樂城體驗金,享受遊戲樂趣
(StanleyPlent, 6. 6. 2023 13:52)
In the digital age, online casinos have become a popular destination for those seeking thrilling entertainment and the chance to win big. Among the sea of options, GcashBonus shines as a beacon of excitement, offering a world-class gaming experience that is both accessible and rewarding. With its innovative features, diverse game selection, and seamless integration of Gcash payments, GcashBonus has become a trusted name in the realm of online gambling. In this article, we will delve into the exceptional qualities that make GcashBonus stand out, emphasizing its user-friendly interface, captivating games, and the convenience of Gcash transactions.
A User-Friendly Interface for Effortless Gaming:
GcashBonus understands that the key to a satisfying online casino experience lies in ease of use. That's why the platform boasts a user-friendly interface that allows players to navigate effortlessly through its offerings. From the moment you log in, you'll find an intuitive layout that simplifies game selection, account management, and accessing promotions. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to online casinos, GcashBonus ensures that your journey is smooth and enjoyable from start to finish.
A Vast Array of Captivating Games:
At GcashBonus, variety is the spice of life, and the platform leaves no stone unturned when it comes to game selection. From classic slots to immersive table games and thrilling live dealer experiences, GcashBonus caters to every taste and preference. The platform partners with leading game developers to offer a diverse and ever-expanding collection of titles that are visually stunning, packed with exciting features, and offer the potential for significant wins. With GcashBonus, players can explore a world of entertainment and discover their favorite games.
Seamless Gcash Integration for Convenient Transactions:
GcashBonus has taken convenience to the next level by integrating Gcash as a payment method. Gcash, a trusted mobile wallet service, allows players to make quick and secure deposits and withdrawals. With Gcash, you can enjoy hassle-free transactions without the need for traditional banking methods or credit cards. GcashBonus understands the importance of seamless payment processes, enabling you to focus on what matters most – the thrill of the games. The integration of Gcash enhances the overall gaming experience, making GcashBonus a preferred choice for players seeking convenience and security.
Promotions and Rewards to Elevate Your Gameplay:
GcashBonus believes in adding extra value to every player's experience through exciting promotions and generous rewards. From the moment you join, you'll be greeted with a range of bonuses and incentives that enhance your gameplay. These may include welcome bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, and exclusive tournaments. GcashBonus values your loyalty and ensures that you are consistently rewarded for your commitment. With a constant stream of promotions and rewards, GcashBonus keeps the excitement alive and rewards your dedication.
A Safe and Secure Environment:
Security is a top priority at GcashBonus, and the platform employs stringent measures to protect player information and ensure fair play. GcashBonus operates under strict licensing and regulation, providing a safe and transparent gaming environment. The platform utilizes advanced encryption technology to safeguard your personal and financial data, giving you peace of mind while you enjoy your favorite games. GcashBonus is committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and integrity.
GcashBonus opens the doors to a world of excitement and rewards, offering a user-friendly interface, captivating games, convenient Gcash transactions, and a secure gaming environment. Whether you're a casual player or a seasoned gambler, GcashBonus provides an unforgettable online casino experience that is second to none. Embark on a thrilling journey of entertainment and potential riches at GcashBonus, where the excitement of the casino is just
(StanleyPlent, 6. 6. 2023 13:15)
Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of live casino gaming as we shine a spotlight on Evolution Gaming, the trailblazer in the industry. With their unparalleled dedication to innovation and delivering exceptional gaming experiences, Evolution Gaming has redefined the way we enjoy online casinos. In this article, we will explore the extraordinary features and gameplay of Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat, Crazy Time, Roulette, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette, showcasing their commitment to pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the live casino realm.
Live Baccarat: A Fusion of Elegance and Excitement
Step into the realm of sophistication and excitement with Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat. Immerse yourself in the opulent setting of a brick-and-mortar casino, as professional dealers guide you through the game with grace and expertise. The high-quality streaming and multiple camera angles ensure an immersive and authentic gaming experience. With the addition of a 100% Welcome Bonus, players can enhance their chances of winning big in this timeless card game, making Live Baccarat a must-try for both seasoned players and newcomers seeking elegance and excitement.
Crazy Time: Where Imagination Meets Unpredictability
Enter a world of wonder and endless surprises with Crazy Time, a game that pushes the boundaries of live casino entertainment. Evolution Gaming's Crazy Time brings together game show elements and thrilling casino gameplay, creating an exhilarating and unpredictable experience. Led by charismatic hosts, players can spin the colossal Crazy Time wheel, unveiling captivating bonus rounds and multipliers that can lead to massive wins. With its vibrant visuals, interactive features, and a lively atmosphere, Crazy Time ensures an unforgettable gaming adventure that will keep players coming back for more.
Roulette: A Timeless Classic Reinvented
Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette reimagines the timeless classic for the digital age, infusing it with innovation and immersive gameplay. Engage in the excitement as the roulette wheel spins and the ball dances with anticipation. With multiple variations available, including European, American, and French Roulette, players can choose their preferred style and explore various betting options. The seamless integration of high-quality streaming and interactive chat features fosters a sense of camaraderie among players, bringing the thrill of the casino floor to your screen.
Mega Ball: Where Lottery and Bingo Converge
Evolution Gaming's Mega Ball presents a groundbreaking fusion of lottery-style excitement and the communal spirit of bingo. Purchase cards adorned with numbers and eagerly await the draw of the balls. As the numbers are revealed, multipliers add a thrilling element, creating the potential for substantial winnings. The game's innovative mechanics, coupled with interactive elements and the opportunity to engage with fellow players, make Mega Ball a captivating and social experience that pushes the boundaries of live casino gaming.
Instant Roulette: The Need for Speed and Instant Wins
For those seeking instant action and rapid-fire thrills, Evolution Gaming's Instant Roulette delivers a high-octane gaming experience that satisfies the need for speed. Multiple roulette wheels spin simultaneously, giving players the freedom to place bets on any available wheel at any given moment. The seamless interface and quick gameplay create an adrenaline-fueled adventure that caters to those who crave instant gratification. Instant Roulette offers an immersive and fast-paced gaming experience that keeps the excitement levels at an all-time high.
jilibet ph
(StanleyPlent, 5. 6. 2023 19:20)
In a digital world brimming with online gaming platforms, Jilibet has emerged as a true game-changer, revolutionizing the industry with its exceptional offerings and unforgettable experiences. With its commitment to innovation, a vast array of games, and a customer-centric approach, Jilibet has etched its name as a leader in the realm of online entertainment. Join us as we delve into the unique features that make Jilibet a standout and why it continues to reshape the landscape of online gaming.
An Immersive Oasis of Games:
Jilibet offers an immersive oasis of games that cater to every taste and preference. From captivating slots with immersive storylines and breathtaking graphics to thrilling table games that transport you to the heart of a bustling casino, Jilibet has it all. The platform collaborates with top-notch software providers, ensuring a diverse and ever-growing library of high-quality games that are designed to captivate and entertain players for hours on end.
Unleashing the Power of Bonuses:
Jilibet understands the importance of pampering its players with generous bonuses and rewards. From the moment you join, you'll be greeted with an enticing welcome bonus that boosts your gaming potential. But the excitement doesn't end there. Jilibet keeps the thrills coming with a constant stream of promotions, cashbacks, and exclusive tournaments, ensuring that every gaming session is filled with excitement and the possibility of substantial wins.
Cutting-Edge Technology and Seamless Gameplay:
Jilibet stays at the forefront of technological advancements, harnessing the power of cutting-edge software to deliver a seamless and immersive gaming experience. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures effortless navigation, allowing players to explore the extensive game catalog with ease. Jilibet leverages advanced graphics, smooth animations, and realistic sound effects to create an environment that blurs the line between virtual and reality, transporting players to a world of excitement and possibility.
A Secure and Trustworthy Haven:
Jilibet prioritizes the safety and security of its players. Stringent security measures, including SSL encryption and firewall protection, safeguard sensitive information, ensuring peace of mind during gameplay. The platform is licensed and regulated by reputable authorities, guaranteeing fair play and transparency. Jilibet's commitment to responsible gaming also includes measures to promote healthy gambling habits and provide support to players who may need assistance.
Exceptional Customer Care:
Jilibet places a strong emphasis on providing exceptional customer care. The platform's dedicated support team is available 24/7 to address any concerns, answer queries, or provide assistance promptly. Whether you need help with account-related matters or have inquiries about specific games, Jilibet's customer care professionals are there to ensure that your gaming experience is smooth, enjoyable, and hassle-free.
Jilibet has carved a unique niche in the online gaming industry, offering a remarkable combination of immersive games, enticing bonuses, cutting-edge technology, and top-notch customer care. With its dedication to innovation and commitment to creating unforgettable experiences, Jilibet continues to redefine online gaming. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary adventure, where thrills, excitement, and big wins await in the captivating world of Jilibet
Super Ace
(Eugenefal, 5. 6. 2023 17:10)
Prepare for an extraordinary casino experience like no other with Super Ace. This exhilarating online casino game takes you on a journey through the virtual realm, where you'll encounter thrilling gameplay, exceptional bonuses, and the chance to strike it big. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of online casinos, Super Ace promises to take your gaming experience to new heights. Join us as we explore the captivating world of Super Ace and unlock the secrets to a truly immersive casino adventure.
Embark on a High-Flying Adventure:
Super Ace transports players into a world of glitz, glamour, and high stakes. From the moment you enter the game, you'll be greeted by a visually stunning interface, complete with vibrant colors, sleek graphics, and immersive sound effects. As you embark on your high-flying adventure, get ready to encounter a wide array of casino games that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Diverse Casino Games:
Super Ace boasts an impressive collection of diverse casino games, catering to all types of players. From classic favorites such as blackjack, roulette, and poker to an extensive selection of slot games that offer both simplicity and excitement, there's something for everyone. Whether you prefer the strategic thinking required in card games or the thrill of spinning the reels, Super Ace ensures a gaming experience tailored to your preferences.
Unleash the Power of Bonuses:
One of the standout features of Super Ace is its range of generous bonuses and rewards. Upon registration, players are greeted with an enticing welcome bonus, setting the stage for an incredible gaming journey. Additionally, as you continue to play, you'll unlock various in-game bonuses, free spins, and special promotions, heightening your chances of winning big. Super Ace understands the value of keeping players engaged and motivated, providing ample opportunities to boost your bankroll along the way.
Seamless Gameplay and User-Friendly Interface:
Super Ace places a strong emphasis on delivering a seamless gaming experience. The user-friendly interface ensures that even novice players can navigate the game effortlessly. With intuitive controls and clear instructions, you'll quickly find yourself immersed in the action. The game's smooth performance, responsive design, and seamless transitions between games create a truly immersive and enjoyable atmosphere.
Uncover the World of Live Casino:
For those seeking an authentic casino experience from the comfort of their homes, Super Ace introduces the world of live casino gaming. Interact with professional dealers in real-time as you play popular table games such as blackjack and roulette. Experience the thrill of a land-based casino without leaving your living room, as you witness the action unfold through high-quality video streaming.
Secure and Reliable:
Super Ace places a strong emphasis on player security and fairness. The platform ensures the highest level of encryption and employs stringent security measures to protect your personal and financial information. Additionally, the game is audited regularly to maintain fairness and transparency, providing players with a trustworthy and reliable gaming environment.
Super Ace elevates the online casino experience to new heights, offering a captivating and immersive adventure for players of all levels. With its diverse range of casino games, generous bonuses, seamless gameplay, and commitment to player security, Super Ace promises an unforgettable gaming journey. Join Super Ace today and let your aspirations take flight as you aim for incredible wins and experience the thrill of the casino world like never before. Get ready to soar to new heights with Super Ace!
(Gary_sip, 5. 6. 2023 12:14)
Наша снабжаем починку хозяйственной техники на Санкт-Петербурге по приемлемой цене. Команда бригада опытных специалистов содействует тебе скоро и качественно исправить различную неисправность с вашей хозяйственной техникой. Наша команда осуществляем расширенный ассортимент работ, с простого ремонта вплоть до трудной замены деталей.
Мы все работаем с единственно самые качественные детали и составляющие, поэтому вы все имеете возможность быть уверенными , что ваша аппаратура станет ремонтирована правильно и будет работать много лет.
Команда ремонтники выезжают в восстановление в каждый район Санкт-Петербурга и ближайшего города.
Наша команда намерены гарантировать высококачественное сервис и счастье заказчиков, поэтому не стесняйтесь звонить к нам, в случае у вас есть возникли вопросы или сомнения относительно чинки своей домашней гаджетов.
(StanleyPlent, 4. 6. 2023 21:56)
In the rapidly evolving world of online casinos, GcashBonus has emerged as a trailblazer, seamlessly combining innovation and excitement to create an unparalleled gaming experience. With a focus on user-friendly features, a diverse selection of games, and the convenience of Gcash payments, GcashBonus has redefined the way players enjoy online gambling. In this article, we will explore the unique aspects that set GcashBonus apart from the rest, highlighting its commitment to innovation, game variety, and secure transactions.
A Fusion of Innovation and User-Friendly Design:
GcashBonus prides itself on its innovative approach to online gambling. The platform is designed with the user in mind, offering a seamless and intuitive interface that caters to both novice and seasoned players. With its sleek and responsive design, navigating the site and accessing your favorite games is a breeze. GcashBonus strives to create an immersive and hassle-free gaming environment that keeps players engaged and entertained.
Unleash the Game Variety:
At GcashBonus, players are treated to a vast and diverse array of games that cater to every taste. Whether you're a fan of thrilling slots, classic table games, or the interactive experience of live dealer games, GcashBonus has it all. Partnering with renowned game providers, the platform ensures that players have access to the latest and most exciting titles on the market. With new games added regularly, boredom is simply not an option at GcashBonus.
Convenient and Secure Gcash Payments:
GcashBonus goes above and beyond by offering Gcash as a payment method, making transactions quick, convenient, and secure. Gcash, a trusted mobile wallet service in the Philippines, allows players to deposit and withdraw funds with ease. With the integration of Gcash, players can enjoy seamless transactions, eliminating the need for traditional banking methods or credit cards. This innovative payment option ensures that players can focus on the thrill of the games without any payment-related worries.
Promotions and Rewards that Elevate the Experience:
GcashBonus believes in rewarding its players generously. From the moment you sign up, you'll be greeted with exciting promotions and bonuses that enhance your gaming experience. Whether it's free spins, cashback offers, or exclusive tournaments, GcashBonus leaves no stone unturned when it comes to keeping players engaged and satisfied. The platform understands the importance of adding extra value to your gameplay and is committed to providing exceptional rewards.
Committed to Responsible Gambling:
GcashBonus takes responsible gambling seriously. The platform encourages players to enjoy the games responsibly and provides resources for those who may need assistance. GcashBonus promotes self-exclusion options, deposit limits, and responsible gaming tools to ensure that players maintain control over their gambling activities. Your well-being is a top priority at GcashBonus, making it a safe and responsible platform to enjoy your favorite casino games.
GcashBonus stands at the forefront of innovation in the online casino industry. With its user-friendly design, vast game variety, seamless Gcash payments, and commitment to responsible gambling, GcashBonus offers an extraordinary gaming experience that is unmatched. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to online casinos, GcashBonus invites you to embark on an exciting journey filled with endless entertainment and opportunities to win big. Discover the future of online gambling at GcashBonus and experience innovation like never before.
Disclaimer: GcashBonus is an independent online casino platform. It is essential to ensure that online gambling is legal in your jurisdiction before participating. Always gamble responsibly and set limits for your gaming activities.
Яманская Школа
(YamanShkolaAnato, 4. 6. 2023 2:47)Яманская Школа
Jili freecredit
(StanleyPlent, 4. 6. 2023 1:24)
Step into the extraordinary realm of Jili Money, a revolutionary online gaming platform that transcends expectations and delivers an unparalleled experience to players around the globe. With its captivating game selection, cutting-edge features, and a cornucopia of lavish rewards, Jili Money has taken the gaming world by storm. In this article, we embark on a journey through the remarkable offerings of Jili Money, unveiling a world where gaming and extravagant rewards seamlessly intertwine.
Unveiling a Wonderland of Unmatched Gaming:
Jili Money showcases an awe-inspiring assortment of top games that promise endless entertainment and exhilaration. From the timeless classics to the latest innovative creations, Jili Money's game library caters to every taste and preference. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking visuals, immersive soundscapes, and seamless gameplay as you venture through a virtual wonderland where excitement knows no bounds.
A Gateway to Riches and Luxury:
Jili Money is renowned for its unrivaled rewards that elevate the gaming experience to extraordinary heights. As a testament to its commitment to players, Jili Money offers a myriad of opportunities to unlock riches and experience luxury like never before. From luxurious vacations and high-end gadgets to exclusive VIP experiences, Jili Money's reward program sets a new standard in the world of online gaming. With every spin, every wager, and every triumph, players have a chance to step into a world of opulence and indulgence.
Embark on a Journey of Opulent Bonuses:
Jili Money entices players with a plethora of extravagant bonuses that add an extra layer of thrill and anticipation to the gaming experience. Upon joining Jili Money, players are greeted with a lavish welcome bonus that sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure. Furthermore, the platform presents a treasure trove of daily, weekly, and monthly bonuses, ensuring that players are continuously pampered with rewards that surpass their wildest dreams. With Jili Money, every gaming session becomes an opportunity to uncover unimaginable riches.
Luxury Loyalty Program:
Jili Money believes in recognizing and rewarding loyalty, which is why it has curated a truly luxurious loyalty program for its esteemed players. As players embark on their gaming journey, they earn loyalty points that can be redeemed for exclusive perks, personalized experiences, and access to elite events. The more players engage with Jili Money, the greater the rewards they unlock, including lavish gifts, tailored promotions, and dedicated VIP support. Jili Money knows how to treat its loyal players like true VIPs.
Unforgettable Community Events:
Jili Money not only offers an immersive gaming experience but also fosters a vibrant and inclusive community. The platform hosts captivating community events where players can come together to celebrate their shared passion for gaming. These events offer the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, forge new friendships, and compete for exciting prizes. Jili Money's community events create an atmosphere of camaraderie, making the gaming journey all the more memorable and enjoyable.
Jili Money has redefined what it means to be an online gaming platform, introducing a world where gaming meets extravagant rewards and limitless possibilities. With its extraordinary game selection, opulent bonuses, and commitment to player satisfaction, Jili Money has become a beacon of luxury in the gaming industry. Brace yourself for an adventure like no other, where thrilling gameplay and indulgent rewards await at every turn. Join Jili Money today and embark on a journey to a virtual wonderland where gaming dreams come true.
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(LarisaCah, 4. 6. 2023 0:38)
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$5 starter favour:
(StanleyPlent, 3. 6. 2023 23:10)
In the digital age, online casinos have become a popular destination for those seeking thrilling entertainment and the chance to win big. Among the sea of options, GcashBonus shines as a beacon of excitement, offering a world-class gaming experience that is both accessible and rewarding. With its innovative features, diverse game selection, and seamless integration of Gcash payments, GcashBonus has become a trusted name in the realm of online gambling. In this article, we will delve into the exceptional qualities that make GcashBonus stand out, emphasizing its user-friendly interface, captivating games, and the convenience of Gcash transactions.
A User-Friendly Interface for Effortless Gaming:
GcashBonus understands that the key to a satisfying online casino experience lies in ease of use. That's why the platform boasts a user-friendly interface that allows players to navigate effortlessly through its offerings. From the moment you log in, you'll find an intuitive layout that simplifies game selection, account management, and accessing promotions. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to online casinos, GcashBonus ensures that your journey is smooth and enjoyable from start to finish.
A Vast Array of Captivating Games:
At GcashBonus, variety is the spice of life, and the platform leaves no stone unturned when it comes to game selection. From classic slots to immersive table games and thrilling live dealer experiences, GcashBonus caters to every taste and preference. The platform partners with leading game developers to offer a diverse and ever-expanding collection of titles that are visually stunning, packed with exciting features, and offer the potential for significant wins. With GcashBonus, players can explore a world of entertainment and discover their favorite games.
Seamless Gcash Integration for Convenient Transactions:
GcashBonus has taken convenience to the next level by integrating Gcash as a payment method. Gcash, a trusted mobile wallet service, allows players to make quick and secure deposits and withdrawals. With Gcash, you can enjoy hassle-free transactions without the need for traditional banking methods or credit cards. GcashBonus understands the importance of seamless payment processes, enabling you to focus on what matters most – the thrill of the games. The integration of Gcash enhances the overall gaming experience, making GcashBonus a preferred choice for players seeking convenience and security.
Promotions and Rewards to Elevate Your Gameplay:
GcashBonus believes in adding extra value to every player's experience through exciting promotions and generous rewards. From the moment you join, you'll be greeted with a range of bonuses and incentives that enhance your gameplay. These may include welcome bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, and exclusive tournaments. GcashBonus values your loyalty and ensures that you are consistently rewarded for your commitment. With a constant stream of promotions and rewards, GcashBonus keeps the excitement alive and rewards your dedication.
A Safe and Secure Environment:
Security is a top priority at GcashBonus, and the platform employs stringent measures to protect player information and ensure fair play. GcashBonus operates under strict licensing and regulation, providing a safe and transparent gaming environment. The platform utilizes advanced encryption technology to safeguard your personal and financial data, giving you peace of mind while you enjoy your favorite games. GcashBonus is committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and integrity.
GcashBonus opens the doors to a world of excitement and rewards, offering a user-friendly interface, captivating games, convenient Gcash transactions, and a secure gaming environment. Whether you're a casual player or a seasoned gambler, GcashBonus provides an unforgettable online casino experience that is second to none. Embark on a thrilling journey of entertainment and potential riches at GcashBonus, where the excitement of the casino is just
(StanleyPlent, 3. 6. 2023 22:22)
Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of live casino gaming as we shine a spotlight on Evolution Gaming, the trailblazer in the industry. With their unparalleled dedication to innovation and delivering exceptional gaming experiences, Evolution Gaming has redefined the way we enjoy online casinos. In this article, we will explore the extraordinary features and gameplay of Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat, Crazy Time, Roulette, Mega Ball, and Instant Roulette, showcasing their commitment to pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the live casino realm.
Live Baccarat: A Fusion of Elegance and Excitement
Step into the realm of sophistication and excitement with Evolution Gaming's Live Baccarat. Immerse yourself in the opulent setting of a brick-and-mortar casino, as professional dealers guide you through the game with grace and expertise. The high-quality streaming and multiple camera angles ensure an immersive and authentic gaming experience. With the addition of a 100% Welcome Bonus, players can enhance their chances of winning big in this timeless card game, making Live Baccarat a must-try for both seasoned players and newcomers seeking elegance and excitement.
Crazy Time: Where Imagination Meets Unpredictability
Enter a world of wonder and endless surprises with Crazy Time, a game that pushes the boundaries of live casino entertainment. Evolution Gaming's Crazy Time brings together game show elements and thrilling casino gameplay, creating an exhilarating and unpredictable experience. Led by charismatic hosts, players can spin the colossal Crazy Time wheel, unveiling captivating bonus rounds and multipliers that can lead to massive wins. With its vibrant visuals, interactive features, and a lively atmosphere, Crazy Time ensures an unforgettable gaming adventure that will keep players coming back for more.
Roulette: A Timeless Classic Reinvented
Evolution Gaming's Live Roulette reimagines the timeless classic for the digital age, infusing it with innovation and immersive gameplay. Engage in the excitement as the roulette wheel spins and the ball dances with anticipation. With multiple variations available, including European, American, and French Roulette, players can choose their preferred style and explore various betting options. The seamless integration of high-quality streaming and interactive chat features fosters a sense of camaraderie among players, bringing the thrill of the casino floor to your screen.
Mega Ball: Where Lottery and Bingo Converge
Evolution Gaming's Mega Ball presents a groundbreaking fusion of lottery-style excitement and the communal spirit of bingo. Purchase cards adorned with numbers and eagerly await the draw of the balls. As the numbers are revealed, multipliers add a thrilling element, creating the potential for substantial winnings. The game's innovative mechanics, coupled with interactive elements and the opportunity to engage with fellow players, make Mega Ball a captivating and social experience that pushes the boundaries of live casino gaming.
Instant Roulette: The Need for Speed and Instant Wins
For those seeking instant action and rapid-fire thrills, Evolution Gaming's Instant Roulette delivers a high-octane gaming experience that satisfies the need for speed. Multiple roulette wheels spin simultaneously, giving players the freedom to place bets on any available wheel at any given moment. The seamless interface and quick gameplay create an adrenaline-fueled adventure that caters to those who crave instant gratification. Instant Roulette offers an immersive and fast-paced gaming experience that keeps the excitement levels at an all-time high.
Invisalign em Porto Alegre
(Invisalignfal, 1. 6. 2023 22:36)
A Clínica Dr. Günther Heller é uma referência em tratamentos de Invisalign, ClearCorrect e implantes dentais. Sob a liderança do Dr. Heller, a clínica oferece atendimento especializado e personalizado, utilizando tecnologia avançada para criar soluções personalizadas. Os tratamentos de Invisalign e ClearCorrect são realizados por especialistas experientes, proporcionando correção discreta de problemas de alinhamento dental. Além disso, a clínica é reconhecida pela excelência em implantes dentais, oferecendo soluções duradouras e esteticamente agradáveis. Com resultados excepcionais, o Dr. Günther Heller e sua equipe garantem a satisfação dos pacientes em busca de um sorriso saudável e bonito.
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(Thomaslap, 8. 6. 2023 9:07)